Social media services are an increasingly effective means for large and small businesses to increase the number of business opportunities available to them. Businesses that ignore the importance of aggressive, targeted social media management do so at their own peril. In January of 2009, Facebook had 42 million users in the United States alone; in January of 2010, that number rose to 103 million. The statistics show that half of those users log in to Facebook at least once a day. That Company offers professional, research-driven social media services in this exciting and lucrative frontier of marketing. The primary benefits of a social media management campaign is an increase the credibility and trust customers put into your products and services. Social media can only strengthen your brand awareness and streamline communication between you and the consumer.
In 2009, the Nielsen Company published a report showing 90 percent of consumers “completely trust” or “somewhat trust” recommendations from people they’re connected to on social media networks, which was higher than any other category of recommendation. That’s about 50 percent higher than television, magazine or radio advertisements were rated. A social media management campaign, for a fraction of what traditional media advertising campaigns cost, provides a means for your loyal customers to share their preferences and recommendations with their network contacts on Facebook, Twitter, or any of the other social networking platforms.
Business pages on social networks, such as Facebook, are excellent tools to develop and strengthen your business’ brand identity. Posting regular updates to your business’ social media profiles can keep your customers in the loop on products and services. Our targeted social media management efforts can keep your customers aware of new products or services offered, new locations, current promotions and offer them opportunities for up sales.
Our clients use our social media services to create and maintain communication lines with their customers. A well-planned presence on a social networking site offers businesses a quick and easy way to keep in touch with their customers, which can result in rapid handling of customer service complaints, as well as priceless and up-to-the-moment insight into your customers’ ever-changing wants and expectations.
We understand that every business is different, so we offer you a personalized battery of social media services specifically tailored for your company to achieve results. We start with in-depth market research to determine who your potential customers are and what social media platforms they are using. We further identify the tactics that are most appealing to them with an ultimate objective of getting them to become your customers. We don’t measure the success of our social media management efforts in terms of how many fans we build or how much content we post. Through our social media services we remain focused on creating more business opportunities for your company. Contact That Company today to find out how we can partner with you to harness the amazing potential of today’s social media.